Identify if a Salesforce Object is Custom or Standard

Identify if a Salesforce Object is Custom or Standard
Identify if a Salesforce Object is Custom or Standard using isCustom in apex


Here you will learn how to Identify if a Salesforce Object is Custom or Standard using isCustom in apex. 

Code snippets

Here is the code to loop through all salesforce objects and check if the object is standard or custom object.

					Boolean isCustomObject = true;
for(Schema.SObjectType objTyp : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values())
    SObjectType objInfo = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objTyp.getDescribe().getName());
    if(objInfo != null) { 
        isCustomObject = objInfo.getDescribe().isCustom();
        System.debug('Object Name =  ' +  objTyp.getDescribe().getLabel() + ' === Is Custom = ' + isCustomObject);  

The code given below check if specific object is Custom or Standard Object.  In my case cbugs__Student__c  is a Custom object.

					Boolean isCustomObject = true;
for(Schema.SObjectType objTyp : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values()) {
    if(objTyp.getDescribe().getName() == 'cbugs__Student__c') {
        SObjectType objInfo = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objTyp.getDescribe().getName());
        if(objInfo != null) { 
            isCustomObject = objInfo.getDescribe().isCustom();        
        if(isCustomObject) { 
            System.debug(objTyp.getDescribe().getName() + ' Custom object');
        } else {
             System.debug(objTyp.getDescribe().getName() + ' Standard object');

getName() used to get API NAME of Salesforce object. By using getLabel() method we can find label of any Salesforce object.

See in action - How to identify Standard & Custom Salesforce Objects

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