- What are all content variable in triggers? What we get in Trigger.newMap and Trigger.new?
- Is it possible to write validation rule on record delete?
- What is OWD?
- What is @testVisible?
- Difference between role and profile?
- Web to Lead in Salesforce. What is the limit of it.
- In Batch I want to find how many times execute method was call.
- Tell me any 5 exceptions.
- What is the purpose of POST method in Integration.
- What is custom setting. custom metadata? which is faster?
- Can we deploy custom settings? custom metadata.
- How we can do asynchronous processing in salesforce.
- What is the major difference between Queueable and Future.
- Why we make method as cacheable true?
- What is eevent.preventdefault()
- Tell me some limitations of lightning web components.
- Aura and LWC calling from each other. What is possible.
- Write code for child to parent data flow in LWC.
- What is the limit of SOQL in synchronous and asynchronous.
- DML limit.
- What is difference between SOQL and SOSL.
- Query: Write a query to find FirstName, LastName of Contact where Account name is “NTT DATA”
- Code: There are 5 Contacts to the Account, Contact which has longest name it should get replaced to Account Name field.