- What are the best practices for trigger?
- Trigger: Count number of Opportunity associated with an Account. Save it to the Number of Opportunity field on Account.
- Query: Write SOQL to Accounts and their related Contacts where Account name is ‘AstirIT’.
- What is the purpose of Governor limits?
- What are junction objects?
- Give me and example of standard junction objects?
- Explain salesforce multitenant architecture.
- Can we create dependent fields in salesforce?
- Explain LWC decorators.
- What is SLDS? tell me some classes you have recently used.
- Tell me about LWC lifecycle looks. When we use what.
- What is refresh apex.
- In lighting web component why we use $ while passing parameter to Apex method.
- Why we use @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true)
- What is Aura method type?
- What are events in Aura.
- Communication from child to parent in Aura.
- Controllers in Visualforce page.
- Two Controllers the same time in Visualforce page.
- What is viewstate in Visualforce page.
- How can we call lighting component from Visualforce page.