ASTIR IT Solutions – Salesforce Developer Interview Questions​

  1. What are the best practices for trigger?
  2.  Trigger: Count number of Opportunity associated with an Account. Save it to the Number of Opportunity field on Account.
  3. Query: Write SOQL to Accounts and their related Contacts where Account name is ‘AstirIT’.
  4. What is the purpose of Governor limits?
  5. What are junction objects?
  6. Give me and example of standard junction objects?
  7. Explain salesforce multitenant architecture.
  8. Can we create dependent fields in salesforce?
  9. Explain LWC decorators.
  10. What is SLDS? tell me some classes you have recently used.
  11. Tell me about LWC lifecycle looks. When we use what.
  12. What is refresh apex.
  13. In lighting web component why we use $ while passing parameter to Apex method.
  14. Why we use @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true)
  15. What is Aura method type?
  16. What are events in Aura.
  17. Communication from child to parent in Aura.
  18. Controllers in Visualforce page.
  19. Two Controllers the same time in Visualforce page.
  20. What is viewstate in Visualforce page.
  21. How can we call lighting component from Visualforce page.

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