Create specific folder programmatically in android using Java

create directory programmatically in Android
create directory programmatically in Android

In this article we will check if certain folder present in our local directory and if specific folder is not present the how to create new folder programmatically.

Create new folder if not present

					public static  void  checkIfDirectoryExist(String folderName) {

        String dirFullPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/"+folderName;
        File getPath = new File(dirFullPath);

        // Check is specific directory exist on local env
            boolean mkdir = getPath.mkdir();
        } else {
            System.out.println("Dir already present");

Here on line number 3 we are using Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() method to get initial path of our local storage. Which will be /storage/emulated/0

Make sure you add  “/” before folder the complete path will be like /storage/emulated/0/Folder Name

Calling method in onCreate()

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        checkIfDirectoryExist("Folder Name");

This is how we create new folder in android using android studio and java , If you have any question or suggestion then please put it in comment below.


Thank you.

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