Computer Architecture and x86 Toolchain

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What is Computer Architecture?

Computer architecture is the design and organization of a computer’s core components and systems, defining how it processes instructions and manages data.

About x86 Toolchain

The following concept of a toolchain is applicable to the C and C++ programming languages:

  • The primary function of a toolchain is to convert a program from a human-readable format into a machine-readable binary format.
  • The toolchain concept is applicable to every programming language.
  • All the tools in the toolchain are used in a chained format, where the output of one tool serves as the input to the next tool.
  • The output of the final tool in the chain is the executable file.
  • Once we obtain the executable file, we can load it into the microprocessor for execution.
  • The following points about the toolchain are common to both C and C++ programming.
  • Both of these languages are high-level, native programming languages.
  • A native programming language interacts directly with the microprocessor.

Step 1

  • Write the program using an editor.
  • Save the file with the extension .c.
  • Name the file, for example, hello.c.

Step 2

  • Pass the file to the compiler.
  • In this context, the compiler internally includes the preprocessor, compiler, and assembler.
  • The output of the compiler is an .obj file in binary format.
  • The .obj file is divided into three sections:
    1. Text – Contains the compiled instructions of the program in binary format.
    2. Data – Contains memory for global variables used in the program.
    3. Symbol Table – A table containing information about the symbols (variables) used in the program.

Step 3

  • Pass the .obj file to the linker.
  • The linker links our .obj file with other dependent .obj files.
  • The linker creates an .exe file, which is the executable file.

Step 4

  • The executable file created by the linker is stored on the hard disk.
  • To execute the file, it must be loaded into RAM.
  • The loader is responsible for loading the executable file into RAM.

Step 5

  • The primary header is added to the .exe file.
  • The primary header contains information about the executable file.

Step 6

  • When the loader loads the file into RAM, it is considered a process.
  • The process loaded into RAM is divided into three parts: Text, Data, and Stack.
    • Stack: Contains information about the functions written in the program.

Step 7

  • The process is now loaded into RAM and divided into Text, Data, and Stack sections.
  • RAM is not responsible for executing the process; the process is passed to the microprocessor.

Step 8

  • The microprocessor has limited memory compared to RAM, so direct loading of text, data, and stack is not practical. Therefore, each section is divided into multiple segments.
    • The Text segment is copied into CS (Code Segment).
    • The Data segment is copied into DS (Data Segment).
    • The Stack segment is copied into SS (Stack Segment).
    • If these segments are full, the ES (Extra Segment) is used.
    • If the ES is also full, FS and GS are used (FS and GS do not have specific full forms).

Step 9

  • Data from the segments is copied into the instruction queue.
  • The instruction queue fetches one instruction at a time and forwards it for execution.
  • The IP (Instruction Pointer) fetches one instruction at a time.

Step 10

  • The instruction is forwarded to the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) if it relates to an arithmetic operation; otherwise, it is forwarded to the CU (Control Unit).
  • The FLAGS register indicates the internal status of the microprocessor.

Step 11

  • The instruction is stored in the CPU registers.
  • There are multiple CPU registers, each serving a specific purpose:
    1. AH, AL – Arithmetic / Accumulator Register
    2. BH, BL – Base Register
    3. CH, CL – Count Register
    4. DH, DL – Data Register
    5. SP – Stack Pointer
    6. BP – Base Pointer
    7. SI – Source Index
    8. DI – Destination Index
  • The instruction is executed within these CPU registers.

Step 12

  • The output of the instruction is forwarded to the operating system via the IDB (Internal Data Bus).
  • The operating system displays the result on the screen.

Important Abbreviations and Full Forms

.obj – Object Code

.exe – Executable

PH – Primary Header

RAM – Random Access Memory

BIU – Bus Interface Unit

ECU – Execution Control Unit

IP – Instruction Pointer

RCU – Register Control Unit

EU – Execution Unit

BCU – Bus Control Unit

FSB – Front Side Bus

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