Capgemini - Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Candidate 1

  1. There is one button on component I want that button on classic VisualForce page & lighting. Whenever when I on click of that button it should navigate me to other component , how I can achieve this ?
  2. I want to display a list of contact there is one checkbox available if I select that check box button then selected record will displayed on component. What will be your approach to achieve this, what validations we need to follow ?
  3. I want display lookup field on component how we can achieved this.
  4. What is component event & application difference between them?
  5. In lightning web components I want to pass data between parent to child how I can do this ? what are available ways ?
  6. What is lighting connect ?
  7. What is attribute & type ?
  8. What is design in bundle ?
  9. I want pass the data from JS to apex how we can pass..?
  10. There are two objects Employee and Offer when employee status change , I want to generate a offer record for that employee details and send the details by email , I want achieve that scenario through batch apex how we can do this ?
  11. what is database.sateful ?
  12. what best practices of trigger ?
  13. Consider whole organization have only one trigger on Account object I try to update some filed through trigger but I am getting error as “row unlock” what is exact issue ?
  14. Have you work on VisualFoerce pages ?
  15. Have work on soql with for ?
  16. have u work on integration? What you have done ?
  17. Tell me something about why should we use salesforce ?
  18. You know about REST api’s and SOAP api’s ?
  19. Have u work on service cloud ?
  20. What is Omni-channel ?
  21. Wow to do case routing ?
  22. What is email to case ?