L&T – Salesforce Developer Interview Questions​

  1. Is there any limit for passing no. of parameter for apex method?
  2. Is there any limit for content version file uploading if yes how much?
  3. Where  do we store the API details in salesforce.
  4. If you have Batch size of 200 and there are 3000 records for process, if any record fails, then how to found count of success and failed records.
  5. Trigger: Parent Object: Quote, Child Object: Order. Update the Quote object Status to Completed when Order Status is Completed.
  6. Explain LWC hooks.
  7. When connected callback and rendered callback is get called.
  8. We have a Tab Set in my tabs when I change the Tabs is connected callback going to call?
  9. Can we deploy community in Salesforce.

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