Techila Global - Salesforce Developer Interview Questions
1st Round
- How many years of experience you have in salesforce ecosystem ?
- Explain lightning module.
- Can we call batch from batch ?
- How we can call method from LWC ?
- What is scheduled class ?
- Difference between workflow and process builder
- What are the best practices for trigger ?
- One profile assign to two users user1 user2 and want to give read access to user1 and read write access to user2 how?
- Account and contact object, in account there is field Domain. When we create contact 1 with Domain field account domain field also update with When create contact 2 with domain field then account domain field update with, , When we create contact 3 with Domain field account domain field also update with,, and if I delete contact 2 then account domain field will update with and
2nd Round
- Tell me something about yourself
- How many projects have you work on and can please explain your project.
- Have you work on integration
- How you implement Integration in your project
- What is mean by database. Stateful in batch class.
- Can you explain what is order of execution in Salesforce
- What is escalation rule in Salesforce
- How many ways we do integration in Salesforce Or what are types of integration in Salesforce
- In order of execution can you tell me what is difference between post commit and data commit.
- if record is updated by using trigger and some process is done by batch class. So batch class will executed Or it will through error?
- What is difference between partner and enterprise Wsdl.
- In lightning how to call parent to child method.
- If account object record is updated then I want to share that records to third party then how many ways we can send the updated data only.