Virtusa Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Virtusa Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Following are the interview questions asked at Virtusa for a Salesforce Developer role with 3 years of experience.

  1. Introduction
  2. Explain your current project
  3. Why have you chosen Salesforce as your career?
  4. Explain roles in salesforce.
  5. How many ways can records be shared in Salesforce?
  6. My user not having object access in profile, but still able to view and edit the records what is the reason?
  7. Can a user delete records created by someone in the same role?
  8. Have you worked on batch apex? Explain about batch apex.
  9. Can we make callouts from Batch Apex?
  10. Can we call a Batch Apex class from a future method? If not, why?
  11. Have you ever faced Heap size error? What is the reason and how to  resolve?
  12. How many records we can  fetch by SOQL?
  13. If more than 50 records are fetched by the SOQL in the trigger. how to handle that.
  14. Write Query to find records created in Last 24 hours
  15. Can you name some date methods in apex?
  16. Trigger : Write triggers to send email when Opportunity update to “Closed Own”.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Bharadi Prathyusha

    i’m interested

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